Chakra Balancing for Reiki Healers

Extract from Reiki Vibes eBook My Journey With Reiki

Chakra Balancing

When we are in pain, or feeling stressed, anxious or depressed, we are experiencing a block in our energetic field. A block is a place where the energy is stuck, constricted, and cannot flow trough all the body. This situation can affect us on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of our life. All the Chakras in our energetic field are interconnected and dependant from each other for them proper functioning; they are all part of the same energy system.

In dealing with a block we use Reiki to re establish the natural flow of energy, creating harmony and releasing imbalances.Having a chat with your clients before a treatment, is a great way to understand if they are experiencing a block in one of them Chakras.

Use this simple chart from Reiki Rays to make a first assessment:

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Chakra Balancing Method

Chakra Balancing can be performed at the beginning, or at the end of a Reiki treatment. Always have a clear intention and let your intuition guide you. Keep each position from 3 to 5 minutes.

1-Stand on the side of your client and open yourself to the flow of Reiki

2-Place both hands, or just your non dominant hand, about 10 cm away from your client. Start a Byosen Scanning from the top of the head, until the base of the spine. Feel if there is any area that requires particular attention. If you find any, start giving Reiki to remove blockages and re-establish the natural flow of energy

3-Keeping a few centimetres of distance from your client body, place your hands (palm down) on the base of the spine area. Healing of the Root Chakra with Reiki, brings grounding, calm, physical strength, and an healthier life.

4-Keeping a few centimetres of distance from your client body, place your hands on the lower abdomen area. Healing of the Sacral Chakra with Reiki brings openness to universal energy, and freedom to express oneself without fear or discomfort.

5-Keeping a few centimetres of distance from your client body, place your hands on the beginning of the rib cage area. Healing of the Solar Plexus Chakra with Reiki brings feelings of courage, motivation, strength and happiness.

6-Keeping a few centimetres of distance from your client body, place your hands on the middle of the chest, heart area. Healing of the Heart  with Reiki brings an higher capacity to love yourself, love others around you, and a greater appreciation for the things already present in our life.

7-Keeping a few centimetres of distance from your client body, place your hands on the throat area. Healing of the Throat Chakra with Reiki enhance our creativity, and allow us to communicate our feelings, listen and constructively respond with words and emotions.

8-Keeping a few centimetres of distance from your client body, place your hands on the area between the eyebrows. Healing of the Third Eye Chakra with Reiki brings an higher knowledge about ourself, our life purpose and enhance our intuition.

9-Keeping a few centimetres of distance from your client body, place your hands on the top of the head area, Healing of the Crown Chakra with Reiki brings complete understanding about pure oneness , causes the highest level or responsibility and empowerment in people, and enhance our connection with the source

End of the Treatment

10-Keeping a few centimetres of distance from your client body, place your left hand at the top of the head, and the right around the base of the spine area, to balance the Crown Chakra with the Root Chakra.

11-Keeping a few centimetres of distance from your client body, place your left hand above the eyebrows area, and your right hand above the abdomen, to balance the Third Eye Chakra with the Sacral Chakra

12-Keeping a few centimetres of distance from your client body, place your left hand above the throat and your right hand above the beginning of the rib cage area, to balance the Throat Chakra with the Solar Plexus Chakra

13-Keeping a few centimetres of distance from your client body, place your hands above the centre of the chest, heart area, to balance the Heart Chakra and restore the natural flow of energy trough your body.

14-You may finish in Gassho position, making a slight bow and thanking Reiki.

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